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reflection in a mirror
Periods Of Reflection BlogEnergyMental HealthMindset

Periods Of Reflection

Frequently during this past week, I heard myself saying:” Don’t go looking for logic, there isn’t any.”  Whether I was very critically going over in my head that I had talked too much at a dinner, or at another moment saying: “Why don’t you ever speak up?” Which message was correct? Probably both...  After sharing it all with girlfriends, the…
October 29, 2023
family talking about old
A Special Weekend Mindset

A Special Weekend

This weekend was a special weekend with family. My marvelous kid sister mentioned it has been many years since the siblings have all gotten together other than for funerals or major events so we should all drive or fly in for a gathering at her place at Rohoboth Beach, Delaware. Four out of five of us did. One, the “baby,” insisted…
May 28, 2023
The Gift Of Making A Decision Mindset

The Gift Of Making A Decision

I’ve written frequently about mindset and here I go again. Coming at it from the strangest of directions – gardening. It’s that time of year again when mulching needs to be considered and then executed. Do I buy the standard mix of soft and hard woods, to be spread amongst my plants and shrubs etc., and then replace it every…
May 19, 2023
weekend at the beach
A Weekend Away Mindset

A Weekend Away

For the first time in years, I went away for the weekend. I had completely lost sight of the gift that leaving home for a short while is. HAVE YOU? For me, it is so easy to get caught up in schedules, routines, and the workload of running a business, and adding onto that, supporting its and my own growth,…
May 5, 2023