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a purple rose in transition to full bloom

Choosing Transition For Greater Purpose And Passion

In seeing transition as a way of life, a byproduct of our call, similar to that of a rose, to keep growing, expanding, and coming more and more into the real beauty and authenticity of who we are, we can come to see that call for change as a blessing and as a call to expand. Whether it is the…
August 19, 2024
A circle of women friends who grow together

What Circles Do You Run In?

As someone who has spent over 30 years in business, I, and my businesses, have shifted and changed in numerous ways over those years. The mission and vision have stayed the same throughout even if the focus and its applications have shifted. What has happened to you and your career? Have you noticed you were ever-evolving, ever-changing, and consequently requiring…
August 8, 2024
Looking at life through a different lens

Transition As A Call To More

Transition takes place for a wide range of reasons. Sometimes it is due to being removed from your position due to a merger or a company needing to close because of a changing market or a changed economy. At times it is happily due to a desire to uplevel an organization with additional services or simply recognizing the opportunity for…
August 1, 2024
Business Culture Transition

6 Steps For An Easier Transition

Someone called the other day, obviously in great distress. He asked me to tell him exactly what I did and how I worked. Because each client is in a very different place when they call, I cannot say that I always do this, this, & this. Is your company merging because you are buying another firm? Pragmatic steps of creating…
June 28, 2024
Retirement planning involves more than just finances

Transitions As Part Of Daily Life

Life is an adventure filled with ups and downs. How we deal with them is fully our choice. Some we can prepare for and some we can’t. This week yet another friend was operated on for cancer; a very old and dear friend who has had progressively debilitating dementia passed away and yet simultaneously we had a college graduation, a…
June 6, 2024
emotional rollercoaster of transition

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Transition

Over the years I have met, as I am sure you have too, many who profess to be an expert at this or that, nonetheless it’s being considered an expert by others that is the real tell. Because, claiming the title, in integrity, requires quite a bit more than many, if not most, may be willing to pay to achieve…
May 28, 2024
Millionaire business woman adjusting vision

Adjusting The Vision Or The Way

Lately, I have been seeing the difficulty that arises for some when they need to make adjustments to their vision or their approach when things are not going as expected. We read about the need for a clear, concise, vision or goal so that it can be actualized in the most efficient and effective way. I agree with that concept…
February 23, 2024
flowers in the snow

One Of Those Days

Have, and I hope you have, had one of those days, or even weeks, where life is just filled with excitement, potential, and freedom? Today is one of those days!  I’ve had these wonderful experiences throughout the week yet, for balance perhaps, moments of “Why am I here?” have also surfaced.  My experience is such that, when we are ready…
January 18, 2024