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As someone who has spent over 30 years in business, I, and my businesses, have shifted and changed in numerous ways over those years. The mission and vision have stayed the same throughout even if the focus and its applications have shifted.

What has happened to you and your career? Have you noticed you were ever-evolving, ever-changing, and consequently requiring you to do the same professionally? I have seen those who fought to not change, to “play it safe” and do what has always worked, without noticing that it no longer did, not really. Life had become, for some, more about stagnation and survival.

What I have noticed, and been warned about by wiser older folks, is that as we grow, as our businesses grow, we will find that our circle will continue to grow and shift as well. In some ways getting much smaller while simultaneously having far greater reach. Very few friends that have known you throughout the journey will remain. Very few friends whom you have met as you were developing will continue to develop with you. It’s not right or wrong, good or bad, just a part of life. We each grow differently and/or at a different pace.

I feel blessed that a few friends from middle school are still in my life. Two girlfriends who I met as I entered my private practice 30+ years ago are still in my weekly phone call list, movie list, etc. and yet there are dozens of friends who I have made along the way, some for a short period, some for years, who have drifted away. Or was it I that drifted? 

This all came into sharp focus today when a new friend-to-be said “I want to introduce you to this amazing woman who is heading a global organization and impacting the world of healthcare in a major way. You two could have great impact on each other and on the larger world.” In looking at her bio, my first thought was “In what world have I landed?” My second thought, after a deep breath, was: “She’s right, if we clicked, we could have a major impact in health care.” Catching up with ourselves is always a surprise… 

Notice your world today. Notice the people in it. Notice the people not in it. Thank God for those who supported your growth, who inspired you, and those who called you to decide exactly who you wanted to be and those who showed you who you didn’t want to be. Each of these was a gift calling you forward. 

Each of these were angels showing you the essence of who you are. They called you to keep becoming, to keep evolving into the man or woman you were called to become. I certainly believe in meditation or reflection so give yourself a treat this weekend, take time to reflect on those who have passed through your journey, blessing each. Then, lovingly and in gratitude, look at the circle you are running in right now. It best reflects the person you have become, the person you are. It’s the person you have chosen to become, consciously or unconsciously. 

You’ve probably heard this phrase before: “You are the average of the five people you surround yourself with.” Choose wisely. Know as well, you are part of someone’s five!!!!!


Dr. Dorothy’s life story of coming from an orphanage, being raised in the housing projects of South Boston, becoming a Catholic nun, an international airline stewardess, a wife, mother, graduate faculty member, Clinical Instructor at a Medical School, and so much more provides the perfect backdrop for her message of joy, humor, passion and faith as the necessary tools for life.