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flowers in the snow
One Of Those Days Transition

One Of Those Days

Have, and I hope you have, had one of those days, or even weeks, where life is just filled with excitement, potential, and freedom? Today is one of those days!  I’ve had these wonderful experiences throughout the week yet, for balance perhaps, moments of “Why am I here?” have also surfaced.  My experience is such that, when we are ready…
January 18, 2024
professional woman questioning something
The Power Of A Question ArticlesBlogMindfulnessMindsetTransformationTransition

The Power Of A Question

I am almost finished in redesigning my Leadership Self-Assessment Tool that supports leaders in understanding their style of leadership. I have developed Thought Leader – Team Leader – Supportive Leader – Visionary Leader & Organizational Leader. Each with different strengths, vulnerabilities, beliefs, and stress patterns, along with the diseases and disorders those of each style are predisposed to, based on…
December 3, 2023
Professionals engaged in leadership coaching training
Values And The Ideal Life ArticlesBlogSuccessTransition

Values And The Ideal Life

I’ve started doing daily videos, Monday through Friday, which are posted on my YouTube channel, LinkedIn, and my professional Facebook page. Recently, I did one on "What Does Success Mean to You"? I asked that question because success means something different to every one of us. Even if two people say “a happy marriage,” does a happy marriage look identical…
September 24, 2023
multi generational people enjoying life and community
Living To 100+ ArticlesBlogHealthTransition

Living To 100+

A client told me recently of a 4-part Netflix series – Live to 100. Since that is my intent most days, I watched it. The documentary host traveled to Japan, Italy, Greece, and more locations interviewing folks where living 100+ years is the norm. The gems of wisdom shared in the learning are amazing. For me, it started with Don’t…
September 8, 2023