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Retirement planning involves more than just finances

Transitions As Part Of Daily Life

Life is an adventure filled with ups and downs. How we deal with them is fully our choice. Some we can prepare for and some we can’t. This week yet another friend was operated on for cancer; a very old and dear friend who has had progressively debilitating dementia passed away and yet simultaneously we had a college graduation, a…
June 6, 2024
emotional rollercoaster of transition

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Transition

Over the years I have met, as I am sure you have too, many who profess to be an expert at this or that, nonetheless it’s being considered an expert by others that is the real tell. Because, claiming the title, in integrity, requires quite a bit more than many, if not most, may be willing to pay to achieve…
May 28, 2024
know your values

Do You Know Your Values?

This may sound like a strange question since, of course you do, is the logical response, yet… My LinkedIn profile says: Guiding Visionary Leaders Through Transition. Challenging existing paradigms, discovering innovative solutions, and honoring value-driven leadership, through personal transformation for success on all levels. Before working with someone, one of my questions is, what are the values you bring to…
April 11, 2024
powerful person personality
ArticlesBlogCoachingEnergyMental Health

What Is A Powerful Person

In my 20+ years as a psychotherapist seeing 42 patients a week, I learned an immense amount of practical knowledge about working with strong and/or manipulative personalities. I also learned to see quite clearly the distinction between powerful personalities and powerful people. Believe it or not, there is a vast difference. A strong personality is frequently someone who has a…
January 31, 2024
women working out at the gym

A New Level Of Health For A New Year

As a new year begins with new hopes, or renewed hopes, one thing we know for certain is that it takes good health to be able to do most of what we desire. I am not talking about gym membership, or pledges to walk 5 miles a day. I am thinking about a far deeper level of awareness of how…
January 7, 2024
a group of friends celebrating each other

A Call To Compassion And One Humanity

Last night I watched the new Julie Roberts movie, Leave the World Behind. This is a movie along the lines of apocalyptic movies and yet not. While watching it I kept thinking “this is going someplace but where?” After it ended, I was left with this incomplete, yet dreaded feeling that this is a political? social? religious? commentary on our…
December 17, 2023
popcorn and family on christmas
ArticlesBlogMental HealthMindsetValues

Christmas Expectations

Most newsletters sent out today or tomorrow are usually wonderfully inspiring and ethereal. That is such a gift.   However, I would like to provide another approach. As a psychotherapist in private practice for 25+ years, this time of year – November 15th to January 15th, extra appointments were always the norm…. Why? Expectations. It is true that this time of…
December 17, 2023