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The Joy of Connecting ArticlesBlogEnergyMindset

The Joy of Connecting

The adventure of life is continuously calling us to try new things, take new risks, and come alive in new ways. Nonetheless, it is sooo very easy to get comfortable with patterns, with routines, and even rituals that we create. As an aside, I happen to love rituals, they bring purpose and meaning to specific actions or behaviors. Whereas routines…
January 13, 2023
woman with the intention of sleep late
What A Life! ArticlesBlogEnergyMindset

What A Life!

If you have been following me, you are aware that I have recently moved. The walls are all painted, the pictures are all hung, all the plants are settling, and the new furniture is in. Now back to my life…  In my meditation each evening, I review my day. In what way did I betray myself today? (Saying yes when…
January 6, 2023
Celebrating the future
To the Future ArticlesBlogEnergyMindsetTransition

To the Future

Most of the notices we are seeing now remind us to be thankful for all that we have and certainly we do have great abundance. A frequent saying I have been using lately is a reminder that most of my problems are definitely “first world problems.” Waiting in long lines to make purchases, an order not arriving on time, not…
November 22, 2022
dandelion letting go of seedlings
Letting Go ArticlesBlogEnergyMindfulnessMindsetPlanningTransition

Letting Go

In preparing for my move to a new home, I discovered that in addition to the normal anxiety, excitement, anticipation, and longing for peace and being settled, there was also the need to let go. To let go of things I never anticipated leaving behind and to things far less tangible as well.  Moving into a home with a dramatically…
November 18, 2022
Perspective ArticlesBlogBusiness LeadershipCoachingEnergyLeadershipMindfulnessMindsetPlanningTransition


On occasion I have someone ask: “What does a coach do?” “Is it like therapy?”  The answer is always “yes and no.”  Therapy, as described, is the use of psychological methods, particularly when based on regular personal interaction, to help a person change behavior, increase happiness, and overcome problems.”  Coaching, as described, is a professional relationship that helps people produce…
November 11, 2022