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the price you paid
The Price You Paid ArticlesBlogEnergyLeadershipMental HealthMindfulness

The Price You Paid

Have you ever considered the price you paid to reach the level of success you have? Have you ever considered the time, relationships, freedom, relaxation, and choices you bypassed or sacrificed to reach your goals? Everyone has paid a price. Sometimes the price is conscious. Sometimes we know what the true cost will be. Most often, however, we don’t. Because…
September 9, 2021
faith and humor
Pack Plenty of Humor and Plenty of Faith – You’ll Need Both ArticlesBlogEnergyLeadershipMental Health

Pack Plenty of Humor and Plenty of Faith – You’ll Need Both

I have written before about how important it is to know your values, in life and in your business. Only by being able to identify what you believe, what your guideposts in life are, can you most fully live the truth of who you are. Transparency, integrity, and commitment come naturally, if not easily, when we are in touch with…
August 12, 2021
our choice
Our Choice ArticlesBlogEnergyLeadership

Our Choice

Have you ever undertaken a project where, after reading all the fine print you were certain you understood what was expected and what would be provided? I’m currently completing a project that has called me to look at myself and how I deal or don’t deal with confusion and disappointment, and nonetheless, appreciation. After receiving a few rave reviews about…
August 6, 2021
The Gift of Being You ArticlesBlogEnergyHealthLeadershipMental HealthMindfulness

The Gift of Being You

I was able to attend one of my favorite all-time networking meetings twice this week, even if virtually. It is such a delight with wildly outrageous personalities who nonetheless are bent on working in, or, supporting non-profit organizations. Their business ambitions joined with values, integrity, and a desire to support those less fortunate is a common theme. I leave feeling…
August 2, 2021
Going for It!!! ArticlesBlogBusiness LeadershipEnergyLeadership

Going for It!!!

This week I have done two podcasts, a TV show, and the second show of a weekly series I am doing on Clubhouse with an amazing woman, Alexandra Figueredo, called Audacity & the Outrageousness of Courage, as well as written Ad Copy to be used online to generate registration to a free webinar I have produced.  In my world, that…
July 15, 2021
Your Word
Your Word ArticlesBlogBusiness LeadershipEnergyMental Health

Your Word

At a board meeting I attended this week, there was a statement made about the well-spoken word. It got me thinking, as a writer and a speaker, I am well-aware of the well-spoken word in delivering a message. It needs to be clear, concise, and yet powerful in ways nothing else is. Between friends it needs to be impeccable. Even…
July 5, 2021
Responding To You ArticlesBlogEnergyHealthLeadershipMental Health

Responding To You

I was reading a few things on Facebook this morning and one thought came to mind; how overwhelmingly busy we all can be when we are trying to “do it all.” “Be it all.” And/or “Know it all.” We can’t, we aren’t, and it is impossible… Acknowledge that when your presence, your personality, and/or your energy field, say’s “I AM”…
June 23, 2021
hope or expectation
Is It a Week of Hope or Expectation? ArticlesBlogEnergyHealthLeadershipMental Health

Is It a Week of Hope or Expectation?

These past few days I have worked with three different clients, all highly accomplished (think lawyer etc.) and yet one theme has permeated every single call…… “I know I know but I am so scared, lacking in confidence, filled with self-doubt, etc. etc. etc.” Please help me see what to do.” Slightly different, yet all the same message...  My heart…
June 18, 2021