Have you ever considered the price you paid to reach the level of success you have? Have you ever considered the time, relationships, freedom, relaxation, and choices you bypassed or sacrificed to reach your goals?
Everyone has paid a price. Sometimes the price is conscious. Sometimes we know what the true cost will be. Most often, however, we don’t. Because we frequently pay it in little snippets at a time, it is easy to not notice the significance of the missed birthday, the missed game, the missed dinner, and the developing patterns that have taken place somehow.
So many I have spoken to who have reached the amazing levels they wished for, the level of success they wanted, the income, influence, and impact they hoped for, realized in the quiet moments, the cost they had paid yet didn’t know other options.
The most difficult part can be that once we reach that level, we are also aware that we do not want to give up the power, the income, or the impact we can make. It can create quite a dilemma. Wanting a change, wanting things to be different in some ways, yet also not wanting to lose what they have achieved.
The difficulty comes, when the exhaustion, burn-out, and loneliness are too much to ignore, and yet rediscovering the passion, life purpose, and joy that existed when the whole journey began without losing it all can feel impossible.
The innocence, hunger, and visions that existed without the awareness of the cost, from years ago can be remembered. Wonderfully, as well, so can the dreams and all the joy and excitement of the adventure.
Taking the time, through mindfulness, or stepping away for more than a weekend, or if needed bringing in a guide, coach, or consultant, whatever you choose to call it, to rediscover the you that once existed, and still does, is an amazing gift you can give yourself as well as all those in your life.
Every choice has a consequence, every option chosen implies others that weren’t. That can be a great thing. If and when you feel the cost has led to a place you no longer thrive in, a place with minimal joy, remember, the most important value is your inner-peace, your joy, and the love of the journey and those in it. If need be, then take the time to come home to you.