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your values as a leader
Values as your Guidepost – In Leadership and in Life ArticlesBlogBusiness LeadershipHealthLeadershipMental Health

Values as your Guidepost – In Leadership and in Life

In accepting that we are all leaders, whether of major organizations, as entrepreneurs, or simply in our homes, a key factor in recognizing how well we are doing is looking at how well we are living our values. Sadly, on occasion when I have asked others what their core values are, they have had no idea: “I’ve never thought about…
April 29, 2021
achievement and success
Achievement vs. Success ArticlesBlogLeadershipMental Health

Achievement vs. Success

For many, the difference between these two words is pure semantics. For others they are a world apart.  What, for you, is the difference if there is any at all? As a follow-up to last week’s letter on Claiming our Divinity and our Health, I see the difference as one that can support inner-peace or create an environment for disease…
March 26, 2021