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Some of us, as leaders, go through a series of purpose-expressions, a series of careers, as we grow, learn and become more and more of who we are meant  to be.  Others find one avenue immediately after high school or college and stay with that one expression of their vision throughout much of their life. Whichever path you follow is yours, not right or wrong, just yours..

The one core truth we learn, however, is that whatever path we choose, there will be a continuous series of opportunities for growth or stagnation. For living our truth or being in self-betrayal. Choosing leadership, consciously or otherwise, requires that we be ready to grow in order to deal with all the challenges, opportunities, and expansions that happen as our vision takes on a life of its own. That choosing can support compassion, understanding, and a greater leadership skill as those around us go through their process as well.

As leaders, we are challenged at times to decide if we are ready or even want to grow to that next level, to lead at that level, to become even more of who we are.

If you are human, you will at times want to stop, to breath, to reconsider your choices. That is never a failing, or a weakness, rather it is an amazing gift you give yourself. When you have grown significantly, or when it is time to grow significantly,  stopping to catch up with yourself, to integrate all that is happening, is a smart and solid way of strengthening your foundation, your connection to your Spirit,  to your purpose, and to you.

Use these articles as a means to do that.

Understanding Emotional Intelligence for the Powerful Leader

By Articles

Simply put, Emotional Intelligence, (EI) a term first used in 1990, refers to a far deeper level of self-awareness and self-understanding than is the norm. One benefit of developing it, is that it creates an ability to perceive and own the impact you have on others. Consequently, it is mandatory for effective leadership of yourself and/or others. The effort or…

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The How & What of Leadership

By Articles

Out of sheer curiosity, I asked numerous people what “Leadership” meant to them. What became obvious, quickly, was that leadership can be defined in any number of ways, depending upon background, leadership experience, and, surprisingly, a person’s willingness to own his or her own power and authority. I was surprised to learn that most respondents considered leadership, authority, and power…

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The Reluctant Client: Risking Great Success

By Articles

Years ago, the “Old Boys Club” consisted primarily of men who came from similar backgrounds and who frequently ended up in the same professions. It provided a much-needed mentor, a seasoned, pragmatic leader who would support new folks in the business. For those already successful, it provided support or guidance in the midst of a radical move up the ladder….

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Going Forward

By Articles, Blog

In every career there comes a time when changes are needed, either to move on or to raise the level of your commitment and focus.  If you have been doing exactly the same thing in exactly the same way for a decade or decades where is your passion?  Have you managed to feed it as you went along or have…

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Following That Dream

By Articles, Blog

One of the gifts of personal growth is realizing that in order to grow in the most efficient, effective way, we find others to walk with us along the journey. My Master Mind group has proven that in walking along side one another we have the ability to see each other’s growth, challenges, and successes in perspective. We offer support,…

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Out of the Box

By Articles, Blog

Each of the steps in my 5 Steps to Claiming Your Dreams System has very specific directives to follow if you are to achieve your wildest dreams. For a dream to achieve everything it is capable of, and in order for it to call you to become everything you are capable of becoming, it has to truly be out of…

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Ebb and Flow

By Articles, Uncategorized

Sometimes we seem to be in such a great place that our dreams appear to be flowing naturally as if with a life of their own. It can feel as if we have gotten onto the crest of a giant wave and we are being led to where we need to be, and when we need to be there, through…

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Continuously Evolving

By Articles, Blog

I have loved what I do professionally since the time I started working.  (Even though for me that meant making .25 an hour babysitting knowing that today my granddaughter can make $5 – $10 an hour.) Whenever I got bored or outgrew how I was doing something I either moved on or expanded my way of doing it. It was…

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Following Your Dreams

By Articles, Events

When I teach or guide others in following their dreams I am so aware that to be authentic I must be doing the same thing.  One of my dreams for decades has been to guide people in realizing that in living their passion and living their dreams, they are also selecting to live a health-based life and with full-bodied success….

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