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Ebb and Flow

By December 13, 2017April 2nd, 2018Articles, Uncategorized

Sometimes we seem to be in such a great place that our dreams appear to be flowing naturally as if with a life of their own. It can feel as if we have gotten onto the crest of a giant wave and we are being led to where we need to be, and when we need to be there, through no effort on our part. Not coincidentally, there are also those moments when the dream seems to be on “stalled” no matter what we strive to do. Appointments get cancelled due to illness or at this time of year due to yet another snow storm. It can seem as if nothing is working in your favor. At those times it certainly can be so easy to go into victim or overwhelmed. Each reaction seems to fit the moment and both emotional states certainly feel real.

When this happens, however, the far healthier thing to do is to take a deep breath and recognize the natural ebb and flow of life, dreams, and opportunities. Life and following our dreams can be wild, fun, and adventurous at times, yet at other times both our life and our dreams can feel stagnant, frustrating and overwhelming. Remember that both the Ebb and Flow stages are a part of creating a balancing of the body and the dream. A dream takes time to achieve and as a result we have more than enough chances to experience both the Ebbs and the Flows and perhaps even more than once.

I have realized that both actually are necessary since the combination requires you to look more deeply within yourself,  t0 affirm your dream, and to then more solidly to go for it. You become stronger, more committed, and more in love with this next stage of the journey and the new you  you are discovering along the way.

Keep faith and know that the adventure itself is transformational, reaching the dream can almost feel like a secondary part of the process, a great part but a secondary part. Enjoy the ride and the many natural adventures that occur on your way to the top of whatever your dream is. Just be sure to dream!


Dr. Dorothy’s life story of coming from an orphanage, being raised in the housing projects of South Boston, becoming a Catholic nun, an international airline stewardess, a wife, mother, graduate faculty member, Clinical Instructor at a Medical School, and so much more provides the perfect backdrop for her message of joy, humor, passion and faith as the necessary tools for life.