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Dr. Dorothy’s life story of coming from an orphanage, being raised in the housing projects of South Boston, becoming a Catholic nun, an international airline stewardess, a wife, mother, graduate faculty member, Clinical Instructor at a Medical School, and so much more provides the perfect backdrop for her message of joy, humor, passion and faith as the necessary tools for life.

boat on the water for a long holiday weekend
A Long Holiday Weekend LeadershipMental Health

A Long Holiday Weekend

This weekend, summer unofficially arises from the cold earth and skiing and already the rush is on. Boats in the water this weekend, cookouts planned, tourists on the highway heading to Cape Cod and/or Rhode Island beaches and life is coming back to the “normal” of summer traffic on the highway. Reminds me of an old saying: “God’s in His…
May 27, 2024
Successful man juggling priorities
Letting The Boxes Go Relationships

Letting The Boxes Go

I had an interesting series of conversations over the last few days, in Dallas, NYC, with potential clients, and with friends here In CT as well. The location soon became irrelevant, since one key point frequently showed up. When we choose to make major shifts in any one area of our life, that shift affects every other area in our…
May 15, 2024
validation versus confirmation
Validation Versus Confirmation Mindfulness

Validation Versus Confirmation

Imagine someone says:  “That project came out great.” versus “That project came out great; clearly you put your heart and soul into it.”   With the first, the confirmation of what you know, it did come out great, feels good. Someone saw what you did. With the other, someone saw you in addition to what you did. That feels so much…
May 1, 2024
a man and a woman finishing a project
Almost There Transformation

Almost There

What happens for you when you are almost there? When are you almost done with a project that you have been working on for a long time? Almost there in achieving what you never thought you would achieve yet kept marching towards, nonetheless? Almost there in a career you have devoted your life to? I have seen two distinct reactions.…
April 24, 2024
woman taking a moment to breath and think
Forging Ahead Leadership

Forging Ahead

We have all had those moments when stopping in our tracks, sitting down, and just not moving anywhere seems like the best option.  Whether that’s because we have been overworking, feeling depressed, unmotivated, or just plain disinterested, sometimes stopping allows us to simply catch up with ourselves before seeing what’s next. That concept may seem counterintuitive to success or progress…
April 21, 2024
know your values
Do You Know Your Values? ArticlesBlogLeadershipValues

Do You Know Your Values?

This may sound like a strange question since, of course you do, is the logical response, yet… My LinkedIn profile says: Guiding Visionary Leaders Through Transition. Challenging existing paradigms, discovering innovative solutions, and honoring value-driven leadership, through personal transformation for success on all levels. Before working with someone, one of my questions is, what are the values you bring to…
April 11, 2024
woman watering her plants
The Value of Knowing Transformation

The Value of Knowing

I took the day last Saturday to do nothing but “be.” I watered my plants, stripped the bed, did laundry, etc.  All the things that allow me to feel as if I am fixing up my little nest while letting go of the rest of the world. For you it may be reading a paper, working in a greenhouse, a…
April 3, 2024