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Dr. Dorothy’s life story of coming from an orphanage, being raised in the housing projects of South Boston, becoming a Catholic nun, an international airline stewardess, a wife, mother, graduate faculty member, Clinical Instructor at a Medical School, and so much more provides the perfect backdrop for her message of joy, humor, passion and faith as the necessary tools for life.

ArticlesBlogLeadershipMental HealthSpirituality

Our Blessed Journey

If your life is like mine, you can feel as If you are being pulled in a hundred directions at any given moment. Regardless of how I say “This is my agenda for the day…..” it appears as if calls, Zoom requests, emails needing responses, friends wanting to connect, and simply life such as dirty dishes and pets needing care,…
April 1, 2021
achievement and success
ArticlesBlogLeadershipMental Health

Achievement vs. Success

For many, the difference between these two words is pure semantics. For others they are a world apart.  What, for you, is the difference if there is any at all? As a follow-up to last week’s letter on Claiming our Divinity and our Health, I see the difference as one that can support inner-peace or create an environment for disease…
March 26, 2021
honoring yourself celebrating international women's day

Honoring Ourselves While Celebrating Our Global Sisterhood

As we celebrated International Women’s Day this week, the emphasis on "international" was highly important. We each, in our own world, recognize the price we have had to pay in order to be considered almost equal, equal, or even for some in being honored as a pioneer. Yes, it is imperative that we honor ourselves, each one of us. Not…
March 14, 2021
healthy leaders healthy pocketbook
ArticlesBlogBusiness LeadershipHealth

Healthy Leadership – Healthy Pocketbook

So much of what is written about leadership focuses on needing tools, such as better communication or learning approaches, such as in collaboration with co-workers versus power-over attitudes.   As someone with a background in both psychology and integrative health, for the past 12 years as a Leadership Coach, my approach in working with all of my clients, brings an…
March 3, 2021
thriving in your vision
ArticlesBlogBusiness Leadership

Thriving in Your Vision

Already we are halfway through February. Already we have had one and a half months to get our visions for 2021 up and running. Are you clear on what you want to achieve? On who you want to become? Only with a clear vision are we able to achieve our goals. To have a general idea is only the first…
February 19, 2021
how your personality impacts your health

How Your Personality Impacts Your Health

Before understanding how your personality impacts your health, it is important to understand that regardless of your particular personality style, we all have healthy components to our personality that call us to grow, to expand, and to change, becoming more of who we are meant to be and we all have aspects to our personality that call us to be…
February 3, 2021

Small Businesses Can Still Thrive During the COVID-19 Crisis

Even if your brick-and-mortar business is closed due to the coronavirus lockdown, there are several important things you can do to ensure that your small business thrives and comes back even stronger by the time the pandemic ends. To assist you during this challenging time, we’ve assembled the following list of marketing strategies, collaboration tips for remote teams, and more.…
June 8, 2020

Visionary Leadership and Healthcare

Visionary leaders have been assessing and reassessing the medical system within the United States for years. Periodically, piece-meal solutions get implemented with great intent and hope for a smoother operation or more equitable distribution of health services. However, this national healthcare crisis has thrown the slow, piece-meal concept into an obsolete if not destructive state. As we watch the results…
May 27, 2020