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While driving in the car the other day, it dawned on me that it was 4:40 pm and the sun was still out. Without an ounce of effort on my part or even my attention, the days were getting longer… What a gift. We certainly have a while to go before the sun is out until 9:00 pm. Perhaps a few snowstorms and definitely cold, cold weather will remain for a while longer, but that light at the end of the tunnel is showing, and just that ray of sunshine is enough to keep me smiling in the remaining months of cold.

Grabbing onto those moments of hope and sunshine, literally and figuratively in this instance, are gifts we give ourselves, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Emotionally, they make joy and laughter possible, spiritually, they remind us that Spirit is present, and life is ever-changing and moving forward, and physically, they allow us to let down, to relax, and to be at peace, realizing Someone far greater is overseeing things, we don’t need the job.

As I mentioned in the class on Tuesday, our health is so much more in our hands than we have ever imagined.

Take a moment, right now, this very minute, feel excited about something, anything, how does that feel in your body?

Take a moment now and feel dread or fear about something, anything.

Can you imagine how those different experiences impact your body functions, systemically and organically?

One opens you up and calls out passion, joy, and hopefully even outrageousness. Another calls for tightness, defense, and shutting down to varying degrees. Choice is that simple, truly.  Choose health, choose joy, and even, just for fun, choose hope and the innocence of a child knowing it will all be alright.

Whatever happens, we will get through it so we may as well go through it with joy and laughter even if it requires calling a friend in to inspire you into that state. Friends who love you will laugh at your ability to create disaster or chaos everywhere, and if you are lucky, they will get you to laugh at yourself as well, and Voila! You can change and improve it all.

I received two birthday cards the other day, one said: “A true friend is there for you when you fall, laughing uncontrollably but still there to pick you up. Here’s to more good times…” We would actually do that.  The other said: “Us old??? What a laugh! We haven’t even grown Up yet!”

We’ll never be done growing up. Who wants to?  It’s too many laughs, letting our childlike humor and outrageousness out. The older we get the funnier it is….

I pray for each of us that we can find those moments of hope, those moments of laughter, and most definitely, those moments of friendship, trust, and love, that allow us to truly, truly live, and in doing so feed our health every moment of the day.

I began my class on how your personality and beliefs impact your health Tuesday and LOVE it. There is still room to come in until this Tuesday the 1st of February – if you can imagine. After that, it is closed because of the depth of personal sharing and support offered. I want a safe and intimate place. If you are interested check it out. I’d love to laugh with you!


Dr. Dorothy’s life story of coming from an orphanage, being raised in the housing projects of South Boston, becoming a Catholic nun, an international airline stewardess, a wife, mother, graduate faculty member, Clinical Instructor at a Medical School, and so much more provides the perfect backdrop for her message of joy, humor, passion and faith as the necessary tools for life.