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Continuously Evolving

I have loved what I do professionally since the time I started working.  (Even though for me that meant making .25 an hour babysitting knowing that today my granddaughter can make $5 - $10 an hour.) Whenever I got bored or outgrew how I was doing something I either moved on or expanded my way of doing it. It was…
December 6, 2017

You Never Know

Yesterday was just another Wednesday as I was putting out the garbage and recyclables until…… Those who know me well have often heard me say that you need a sense of humor, and a great deal of faith, to get through this journey. Well yesterday both were called into play. As I was putting out the barrels before going to the…
November 1, 2017

A Labor of Love

With the exquisite weather we have here in the northeast today, what a gift it is to have an extra day to be able to take a moment to breathe from all the labor involved in cleaning, laundry, ironing, making beds, shopping, and preparing for the upcoming work week. Labor, I must admit, that nonetheless fills me with a great…
October 18, 2017

Achieving Your Dreams

This blog is presented to guide others to their own inner wisdom as well as to support them in discovering their own spiritual purpose - with humor and faith– purposefully and with passion!
October 11, 2017

The Embodiment of Ethics

Ethics is a topic that could be discounted as simply being a “given” whether we are living our personal journey all alone for the day, in a work relationship, or a personal relationship. In truth, however, it is never a “given.” It is, however, an essential part of our life experience and one of the basic factors in defining the…
September 20, 2017

A New Approach to Mental Health and Psychotherapy

There are many perspectives and approaches to dealing with disease and disorder; the REAL challenge, is in learning to understand the origin. What causes disease? Is there a spiritual purpose and does it connect to one's essence or one's personality? What predisposes one person versus another to be susceptible to a particular disorder? Is it simply genetics or is there…
September 13, 2017

Energy Medicine: What It Is & What It Does – Accessing All of You

An exciting and awe inspiring modality of health care that has been practiced for thousands of years in other parts of the world, energy is only now becoming, albeit gradually, a known reality in this country. What is happening also, and perhaps what is supporting this awakening, is that the field is becoming progressively more diverse. Energy as an accepted…
August 30, 2017