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Some of us, as leaders, go through a series of purpose-expressions, a series of careers, as we grow, learn and become more and more of who we are meant  to be.  Others find one avenue immediately after high school or college and stay with that one expression of their vision throughout much of their life. Whichever path you follow is yours, not right or wrong, just yours..

The one core truth we learn, however, is that whatever path we choose, there will be a continuous series of opportunities for growth or stagnation. For living our truth or being in self-betrayal. Choosing leadership, consciously or otherwise, requires that we be ready to grow in order to deal with all the challenges, opportunities, and expansions that happen as our vision takes on a life of its own. That choosing can support compassion, understanding, and a greater leadership skill as those around us go through their process as well.

As leaders, we are challenged at times to decide if we are ready or even want to grow to that next level, to lead at that level, to become even more of who we are.

If you are human, you will at times want to stop, to breath, to reconsider your choices. That is never a failing, or a weakness, rather it is an amazing gift you give yourself. When you have grown significantly, or when it is time to grow significantly,  stopping to catch up with yourself, to integrate all that is happening, is a smart and solid way of strengthening your foundation, your connection to your Spirit,  to your purpose, and to you.

Use these articles as a means to do that.

As the Season Begins…

By Articles, Uncategorized

As summer disappears and a new season begins, it is time for a new reflection on your year so far. Did you make a vision board in January? Did you set in a journal your plans for the year? How close are you to achieving what you hoped or planned to achieve this year? There’s a big difference you know…

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The Embodiment of Ethics

By Articles, Blog

Ethics is a topic that could be discounted as simply being a “given” whether we are living our personal journey all alone for the day, in a work relationship, or a personal relationship. In truth, however, it is never a “given.” It is, however, an essential part of our life experience and one of the basic factors in defining the flow of our energy field. As a result, it deserves a full length discussion. To support that end, I shall write a few thoughts.

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A New Approach to Mental Health and Psychotherapy

By Articles, Blog

There are many perspectives and approaches to dealing with disease and disorder; the REAL challenge, is in learning to understand the origin. What causes disease? Is there a spiritual purpose and does it connect to one’s essence or one’s personality? What predisposes one person versus another to be susceptible to a particular disorder? Is it simply genetics or is there…

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A Call to Change & Grow

By Articles, Blog

I am planning a reunion and refresher course for the graduates of my school, a school I loved for almost 19 years.  In the planning and reflection, I realize so clearly that we all go do down so many paths in our journey. Perhaps some we never could have imagined walking however we can become acclimated and then think of…

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The Gift of Community

By Articles, Blog

This past Saturday was my birthday.  As with every other day there is always something to learn or relearn. My dear friend Anne Garland was hosting her annual conference at the Griswold Inn in Essex that day and we had decided that after her event a few of us would have a drink in the bar to celebrate my day….

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Power of Many

By Articles, Blog

This past Saturday was my birthday and as always we have so many things to learn, or relearn, and that day was no different. Anne Garland had put together her annual women’s event at Griswald Inn in Essex and it was suggested that afterward a few of us would toast at the bar and celebrate my birthday. Anne being Anne…

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The Adventure of the Journey

By Articles, Blog

As with all of us, I am so aware that when I am focused on where I want to go in my life, and how I want to get there, amazing things happen.  It is when I sort of know, and/or I am sort of focused, that it seems everything gets stuck and it takes forever.   Life is so…

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