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Summer has already begun with the unofficial beginning happening on Memorial Day. Late June makes it official and now here we are already in July with the first big bang, literally and figuratively, taking place.

Stopping, taking a break, being with family and/or friends for days at a time and, for many, sneaking in some alone time as well, makes it all gloriously complete. A great gift of the day, and for many the long weekend, is that a change in our routine allows our brain to shift and our perspective to expand. Stepping out of the norm calls us to let go and see things from a distance. 

One, that implies you have the ability to let go. Two, it means you can see that there is far more to you than simply your career or your company. On day two or day three are you longing to get back to the normal routine or are you someone who loves the diversity, and finally has permission to assess whether or not you would like to make some smaller changes or even a significant change in your life?

Reassessing, whether done on vacation, a long weekend, or for January 1st allows you to recommit to what is, or to make those changes you have been wanting on some level but have been avoiding in order to not make waves. The fresh air, celebrations, and the unlimited aura of nature and joy calls you to breathe and simply observe the life you have created.

Gratitude for the gifts you have been given or have created, awe at how far you have come, and the realization that no matter what happens you will be OK, changes how you see things, the risks you take, and the power you claim.  

As I said to a client this morning, the moment you feel limited, or less than, is the moment you self-betray and give your power away. Wherever you are in your life, you are there because of the choices you made.  If you look back honestly you can see that there were always options. Not necessarily always good options, but options nonetheless. 

Enjoy the freedom and realize that your personal freedom and independence celebrated this weekend, is a gift beyond words.  Take a moment to give thanks, to laugh, and to play.  They each call our brain to make energetic shifts and to open up to so much more.


Dr. Dorothy’s life story of coming from an orphanage, being raised in the housing projects of South Boston, becoming a Catholic nun, an international airline stewardess, a wife, mother, graduate faculty member, Clinical Instructor at a Medical School, and so much more provides the perfect backdrop for her message of joy, humor, passion and faith as the necessary tools for life.