Each of us has a vision, conscious or otherwise, of how we see ourselves in this world, how we imagine our family, our hometown, and/or our country. For those folks who are conscious, it can be so terribly discouraging to have those visions of who we should be, when instead we see how much ignorance, fear, and hatred still exists. Take heart.
One of the gifts of a crisis coming into stark view, is that it moves the crisis out of the shadows and into general consciousness.
This then is the beginning of seeing how powerful we each are. There is currently an absolute divide of who we should be as humans and as a country. We are being forced to look at our morals, our values, our sense of right and wrong. Racism is front and center. What do you do when you see it? What fears come up? What thoughts? What values?
Covid has called all of us to go within. It has called all of us to really see ourselves solely because we are not as able to be “too busy” to stop. We have stopped, slowed down in our own little worlds, and had time to look in the mirror. If you don’t like what you see, how are you going to change it? Are there questions about you? Your dreams? Your ambitions? What have you discovered?
We are each here to live our own unique journey and to follow our own dreams which call us to become the best version of ourselves. While doing that, we need as well to notice the world around us. To give a hand, or support to others who are walking beside us. We all deserve the same freedom, the same right to dream.
If on a bigger scale you want love, adventure, and dignity for all humans what are you doing to support your vision coming into being? Conversations are a starting point, but they exist at or before reaching that starting gate. What will now move you out of the gate and into action?
Whether we are talking personal dreams, visions and goals, or envisioning those for our country and our world, action is the only way to bring them into fruition. Be strategic….
- What actions are needed?
- What actions are you ready to take now?
- What is needed to cause you to move cleanly, clearly, and with purpose?
Remember, we must all get a good view of ourselves before we can begin to change the world around us.
- What strengths do you possess?
- What motivates your action? Fear? Anger? Resentment? Hope? Faith? Purpose?
- What vulnerabilities or limitations do you need to get assistance with so you can fly?
In working to make this world a better place, you grow, you change, and your heart expands. Our lives and our world are what we choose to make them. I pray you make choices that feed your higher self and allow you to become the best you, you ever could have imagined, and even better!!!! You and the world will be blessed.