Keynote Presentations and Optional Follow-up Break-Out Training Workshops
Whatever the topic, Dr. Dorothy’s speaking presentations are most often described as “profound and earthy”, “filled with wisdom and humor”, “life changing, faith-filled, and inspiring.” As the author of four books, she addresses various topics with equal expertise allowing the audience – after her speaking presentations – to later read and learn even more about the topic of interest clearly seeing that Anything is Possible.
- In Dreams are Only the Beginning: Becoming Who You are Meant to Be, Dr. Dorothy speaks of the need for dreams in our lives if we are to truly claim the essence of who we are and what we are capable of becoming. As an orphan, later adopted and raised in the housing projects of So. Boston, becoming a Catholic nun and later an international airline stewardess, a divorced single mother, a graduate faculty member, an international speaker and so much more, Dr. Dorothy speaks of the need to 1) take risks in order to come alive and 2) to realize that you will always land on your feet ready to take another risk and jump off yet another cliff progressively further into a life that is truly lived. Listening to her you see clearly that miracles happen every day – reminding us that Anything is Possible.
Optional Follow-Up Breakout Training Workshop:
5 Steps to Claiming Your Dreams
- In When Your Soul Sings ~ Your Body Dances Dr. Dorothy shows how, more than genetics, your personality impacts your health. As an early pioneer in the field of energy medicine and mind/body/spirit health, Dr. Dorothy speaks with a great deal of insight and experience of the psycho/spiritual causes or correlates of physical disease and disorder. Realizing that if we don’t claim our truth, if we don’t live in integrity, and instead deny who we are in order to be who we have been taught we “should” be, we will be creating energy blocks, and resultant “dis-ease,” throughout our body, Dr. Dorothy stresses the necessity, not the luxury, of self-discovery and coming alive in order to have our health be at its best.
Optional Follow-Up Breakout Training Workshop:
How Your Personality Impacts Your Health
Additional Anything is Possible Subtitles Include:
- Having the Ideal (Not Perfect) Relationship – How important it is that there be room for you in it.
- A Women’s Power – The need to claim your power in making anything possible.
- The Heart of a Woman – Discussing increasing occurrences of heart disease and disorders and how we can change the statistics.
- Spirituality in Health Care – Recognizing the impact of prayer, spirituality, joy, and inner peace in making healing possible.
- Whatever the topic, following your passion and your dreams, health care, energy medicine, spirituality, coming alive, or taking risks Dr. Dorothy can readily adapt to a particular audience to meet the needs it present. Her ability to reach an audience where they are and support them in going forward while still questioning and growing is a gift and a joy to see. Laughter, spirituality and passion are her trademark. She has spoken to groups of 10 and of a 1,000 leaving each with more skills than before.
In all that she does, Dorothy consistently shares her message of passion, joy, humor and faith as the necessary tools for living. Her life purpose is to bring back the awareness of spirituality and unconditional love as key values in living while supporting others in coming alive – achieving the impossible, reclaiming their passion and remembering their dreams. Dorothy, a compelling, faith-filled woman is an inspiration in living and a joy to hear; the frequent standing ovations are a testament to that.