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Although I have been on several boards, as president of some, I have been on the board of one particular organization since its beginning.  We had a board meeting this week to discuss an upcoming event for 2025. The title Awakening was quickly approved since it efficiently tells the viewer what the event will be about. The sub-title, however, is the real explainer and that is where the discussion became interesting…

Awakenings tend to lead to transformation and/or transition. Consequently, transition needed to be in there. An in-depth realization causes you to reassess your perspective on anything it would impact. Sometimes it’s as simple as how to preserve fruit so it doesn’t spoil so quickly. Fun awakening. You greatly appreciate the insight and savings possible.

Sometimes, however, it is far more impactful. Sometimes an awakening calls you to see your position at a company, in a relationship, a home, or even a country, as something you now realize you need to change.  Frequently we realize it’s something we have been avoiding dealing with for any number of reasons.  Rationalizing why you should keep everything the same may start because of fear or even dread of the tasks involved. Sometimes it’s the fear of disappointing others that impedes our decision.

In any of these situations however, the real question becomes: How comfortable are you with intimacy, with yourself as well as with others? With yourself it means owning what you truly know in your gut as the truth – and what isn’t. You can truly tell if you’re simply running away. Be honest. Own it. In a true awakening you feel cleaner, clearer, freer, more alive, and more authentic by acknowledging that knowing.  Own it. I didn’t say without fear or sadness just make that choice to be authentic, real, and intimate with yourself. What is the truth – and what is simply fear giving you permission to either run or stay stuck?  Be ready to deal and grow with either option. Yes, it’s being in relationship with yourself…

Intimacy with others means allowing them to see your truth, your fear, your sadness, your confusion, and still your knowing… Hiding all that and acting as if that awakening never occurred or pretending to others it is a purely logical decision without any fears or doubts is a pure fear of intimacy. It’s running from vulnerability. Acknowledging who you are with all your strengths, fears, and vulnerabilities and sharing it is the test. When you are comfortable in your own skin there is little to no difficulty in sharing your truths and who you are when in an intimate conversation with someone you are close to or love, and with discretion even others. It is always worth the risk. Not only does it deepen the relationship, it calls you to grow in self-acceptance and the ability to be a partner. None of us are perfect at it. None of us are always willing to risk the judgement, fear, seeming failure, or being seen as less than our image has projected, yet growing in intimacy supports greater leadership, better partnering, and a greater sense of self-worth. Those and the inner peace that follows, are all worth the effort of risking it all!


Dr. Dorothy’s life story of coming from an orphanage, being raised in the housing projects of South Boston, becoming a Catholic nun, an international airline stewardess, a wife, mother, graduate faculty member, Clinical Instructor at a Medical School, and so much more provides the perfect backdrop for her message of joy, humor, passion and faith as the necessary tools for life.