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Successful man juggling priorities
Letting The Boxes Go Relationships

Letting The Boxes Go

I had an interesting series of conversations over the last few days, in Dallas, NYC, with potential clients, and with friends here In CT as well. The location soon became irrelevant, since one key point frequently showed up. When we choose to make major shifts in any one area of our life, that shift affects every other area in our…
May 15, 2024
Your five people
Who Are Your Five People? ArticlesBlogRelationships

Who Are Your Five People?

This has been a week of change, shifts, growths, and healthcare. Amazing all the things that can fit into one week…  In service to my own self-care, about six months ago I decided to only see clients and patients three days a week. I wanted to take two days a week to work ON my business, expanding it and expanding…
August 13, 2023
The Four Agreements ArticlesBlogLeadershipRelationships

The Four Agreements

I had an interesting conversation with a friend/business associate this week, and one of the key points I made was about the necessity of knowing what your integrity looks like. It will frequently be challenged by numerous situations which arise, some offering you options to short-cut, to let a touch of integrity go, or to rationalize to justify a particular…
February 26, 2023
women in transition
A Smorgasbord Week ArticlesBlogHealthMental HealthMindsetRelationshipsTransition

A Smorgasbord Week

This is one of those weeks where life is a smorgasbord of activities. Some have been incredibly sad, some wonderfully exciting, others simply demanding so much time and creativity, and thankfully also those moments that are pure bliss. It is so easy to become ungrounded, reactionary, and angry in the midst of such emotional turmoil and seemingly conflicting emotions. Haven’t…
September 23, 2022
small town store fronts
Time With You and the Friends You Haven’t Met Yet ArticlesBlogBusiness LeadershipRelationships

Time With You and the Friends You Haven’t Met Yet

Networking is the name of the game…. If you don’t put yourself out there how will anyone know you exist much less what you have to offer? It’s about regularly developing relationships with folks who at one point were strangers – or friends you haven’t met yet……. The old images of businesses in a small town where your reputation had…
June 24, 2022
It Is Only a Small Period of Time ArticlesBlogEnergyHealthMental HealthMindfulnessMindsetRelationshipsSpiritualSpiritualitySpirituallywork-life balance

It Is Only a Small Period of Time

Speaking with clients this week I became aware that so many are speaking about the difficulties that have arisen after two years of having to stay home, avoid others, and live as a recluse in so many ways. The initial delight at slowing down, a time for themselves, time to catch up on missed shows, books they had wanted to…
January 21, 2022
Do You Walk Out or Stay? ArticlesBlogBusiness LeadershipEnergyLeadershipMental HealthRelationshipswork-life balance

Do You Walk Out or Stay?

In reading articles today from Forbes Magazine, NPR, and elsewhere about the recent massive walk-out of literally millions of employees, I can’t help but think of what it has taken for this vast number of individuals to simply walk off their jobs.  Employee dissatisfaction has existed from the beginning of time, I am sure, but not with such a bold…
October 20, 2021