Unkiditional Love Book Launch & Signing
WHEN: May 3rd from 5:30-8:30pm
WHERE: 87 Church Street in East Hartford, CT
Join us for food and drink while we celebrate this book of love – patience – humor – and reality in looking at the challenges and joys of parenting. None of us knew what we were getting into until we got there. Let us help you put it in perspective.
Parenting is not easy and yet it can fill you in ways nothing else does.
Tom Russo, shares with humor, humility, and profound wisdom his experiences of being a single dad of two girls. His unkiditional love of his daughters continues to grow as do the number of experiences of parenting from adoption, diapers, teenage dating and so much more.
Dr. Dorothy makes a clear point, more than once, that without faith and a sense of humor parenting is impossible. Learning to laugh at yourself and not take you or each experience so seriously that your guilt or self-judgment reigns is definite proof you have made it through to other side and can now relax with adult children.