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Some of us, as leaders, go through a series of purpose-expressions, a series of careers, as we grow, learn and become more and more of who we are meant  to be.  Others find one avenue immediately after high school or college and stay with that one expression of their vision throughout much of their life. Whichever path you follow is yours, not right or wrong, just yours..

The one core truth we learn, however, is that whatever path we choose, there will be a continuous series of opportunities for growth or stagnation. For living our truth or being in self-betrayal. Choosing leadership, consciously or otherwise, requires that we be ready to grow in order to deal with all the challenges, opportunities, and expansions that happen as our vision takes on a life of its own. That choosing can support compassion, understanding, and a greater leadership skill as those around us go through their process as well.

As leaders, we are challenged at times to decide if we are ready or even want to grow to that next level, to lead at that level, to become even more of who we are.

If you are human, you will at times want to stop, to breath, to reconsider your choices. That is never a failing, or a weakness, rather it is an amazing gift you give yourself. When you have grown significantly, or when it is time to grow significantly,  stopping to catch up with yourself, to integrate all that is happening, is a smart and solid way of strengthening your foundation, your connection to your Spirit,  to your purpose, and to you.

Use these articles as a means to do that.

year end parties

Your Year End Cycle

By Articles, Blog, Energy, Mindset, Success

This time of year, with all the catching up or completion of unfinished projects that needs to take place, life can show you the ways in which you have avoided thinking, feeling, or dealing. It can also show you, if you care to see, the ways in which you got lost along the way. Reflecting on the past year now,…

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professional woman questioning something

The Power Of A Question

By Articles, Blog, Mindfulness, Mindset, Transformation, Transition

I am almost finished in redesigning my Leadership Self-Assessment Tool that supports leaders in understanding their style of leadership. I have developed Thought Leader – Team Leader – Supportive Leader – Visionary Leader & Organizational Leader. Each with different strengths, vulnerabilities, beliefs, and stress patterns, along with the diseases and disorders those of each style are predisposed to, based on…

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The Outrageousness Of Leadership In Life

By Articles, Blog, Leadership

This past week friends have referred two very personal documentaries to me, Sly, and Maxine’s Baby. They tell the stories of Sylvester Stallone and Tyler Perry. Each of these men came through struggle and abuse with little reason for hope or high expectation yet for each there was a calling. In addition to being inspired and increasing already existing respect…

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looking at a busy calendar on a desk

Fluidity And Fortune

By Blog, Energy, Leadership, Mindset, Success, Transition

About 8 months ago I decided to give myself a gift and take Mondays and Fridays to do the “backroom” things involved in having a business. I also thought that on occasion, I could grab lunch with a friend as well. Mostly, those days were when I could put on leggings and a sweatshirt and write content, plan videos, create…

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Morning cup of coffee with gratitude

Waking And Sleeping With Gratitude

By Articles, Blog, Mindset, Spirituality

This morning I woke up to hearing rain pouring against the roof and wind blowing outside the window. I don‘t know about you but I LOVE that sound. I always, almost spontaneously, offer a quick prayer of thanksgiving for my warm bed, my warm, dry, home, and the gift of so many blessings.  It reminds me of a conversation a…

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reflection in a mirror

Periods Of Reflection

By Blog, Energy, Mental Health, Mindset

Frequently during this past week, I heard myself saying:” Don’t go looking for logic, there isn’t any.”  Whether I was very critically going over in my head that I had talked too much at a dinner, or at another moment saying: “Why don’t you ever speak up?” Which message was correct? Probably both…  After sharing it all with girlfriends, the…

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gift of time

The Gift Of Time

By Success

I get a number of business newsletters via email. Most I unsubscribe from, but a few educate or cause me to stop and think about something, those I keep. I just love learning. It is so worth the time. In addition, today I had a call with someone I haven’t spoken to in a long while. Time was on both…

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business professionals talking

Leadership Qualities

By Articles, Blog, Leadership

As I have said many times, I believe every one of us is called to leadership. That doesn’t require anyone to hold a leadership position within an organization, but it does require us to commit to being our best most authentic selves, aware that we are all here to make this world a better place.  Brené Brown defines vulnerability as…

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